This is a place where grandmothers hold babies on their laps under the stars and whisper in their ears that the lights in the sky are holes in the floor of heaven.
— Rick Bragg

SWPCCS is dedicated to improving the lives of New Mexico families thru our unique blend of Pueblo values and culturally appropriate family programs open to everyone. Our experienced staff work directly with families within their communities, providing them with the information they need to ensure they can raise their families in safe, healthy, happy homes.

We support all families: ages, ethnicities, cultures, languages, faith traditions and beliefs, compositions, incomes and educational accomplishments and we support families and children of all abilities.


Behavioral Health Services

We believe families thrive when everyone is emotionally and mentally healthy. Please check our Behavioral Health Services page to see if we can assist you and schedule a session today!

Sessions now available thru tele-health.


Community Development

SWPCCS has teamed up with Kootz Construction to renovate and build homes in under-served areas.